Persian Karaoke Show with Pedram, DJ DoDo and MehrdadLive Music, and Dinner with Celebrity Guest Star
Divan Palace 12229 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604
Divan Palace divanpalace Divan Palace
NOROUZ MEGA BASH @ EDEN SUNSETSaturday, March 22, 2025
10:00 PM
EDEN SUNSET - Los Angeles, CA 6523 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90028
HARDCORE & PLUS ONE Plus One & Hardcore
The Spirit of Spring (Yoga House)White Sun & Hamid Saeidi
5:30 PM
Yoga House - Pasadena 11 West State Street, Pasadena, 91105
CMinorProduction cmp CMinorProduction
Hamid Saeidi/ Ehsan Karami/Navid KandelousiFAR-C Band
6:00 PM
Writers Guild Theater - Los Angeles 135 S Doheny Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
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